The purpose of this committee is to provide information about AA to alcoholics who have physical disabilities or other special needs.
This committee gathers and preserves historical data and other memorabilia pertinent to Alcoholics Anonymous in the Chicago area.
This committee works with HTF to help bridge the “gap” between the treatment facility and the AA group or meeting.
The purpose of this committee is to ensure proper participation of Area 19 in state and area conferences, forums and more. And to host the annual All Chicago Open
This committee cooperates with all correctional institutions in or serving the Chicago area, explaining AA’s role in assisting the inmates who seek help.
This committee is responsible for all matters relating to office management, records, personnel, finances, and expenditures of Area 19.
The purpose of this standing committee is to acquaint all AA members with the Grapevine and La Vina publications.
The purpose of the editorial board is to oversee the publication of Here’s How, the area newsletter.
The HTF leads and coordinates the work of AA members and groups in hospital and treatment facility programs.
This committee encourages AA groups to provide AA literature and ensures that literature is available at area events and conferences.
This committee maintains a 24-hour answering service using volunteer members of AA from the Chicago area.
This committee answers the chat feature on the site using volunteer members of AA from the Chicago area.
The purpose of this standing committee is to carry the message of AA to the alcoholic through the use of the media and public speakers.
This committee reviews and suggests modification of the Area 19 service structure as required by continuing growth and changes in the fellowship.
The main role of the committee is to oversee management of the website and make technology recommendations to support the Area’s primary purpose.