When a patient or person recently released from a treatment facility wants help, we offer them the opportunity to have a member of BTG contact them directly and help them connect with other AA members by attending AA meetings together. We have a list of BTG volunteers located in many different zip codes. If you would like to be on this list, please fill in the information below. The minimum sobriety requirement is one year. We always match the person asking for a 12-Step call with someone of the same gender so be sure to specify if you are male or female.
You will be contacted by the BTG Coordinator who will send you a Welcome Packet and information about BTG Orientation Workshops in Area 19. Note: We must have your name, gender, zip code, telephone number and email address or we will not be able to add you to the list.
Sobriety Date (required)
Full Name (required)
Gender (required) —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleOtherPrefer Not To Say
Address (required)
City (required)
Zip Code (required)
Neighborhood (required)
Languages Spoken (Optional) EnglishPolishSpanishMandarin/CantoneseJapaneseFrenchOther
Age Group (optional) Under 2020-something30-something40-something50 plus60 plus70 or more
Home Phone
Work Phone
Mobile Phone
Email (required)