Committee on Conferences (COC)
The purpose of this standing committee is to ensure proper participation of Area 19 in state and area conferences, forums, workshops, and events, including cooperation with other state and delegate areas. The Committee on Conferences (COC) also assists with the All Chicago Open meeting and performs such other services as deemed necessary by the Chicago Area Service Assembly.
The membership of this committee is composed of one delegate from each of the districts of Area 19. District delegates serve for a period of two years commencing January 1 of the odd year.
Membership also includes chairpersons of committees planning conferences and events – which are, in effect, subcommittee of the Committee on Conferences. Membership also includes the office manager, past chairperson of CASA, and past delegates to the General Service Conference.
The committee chairperson may appoint special members.
Interested? Then come check us out!
COC meets the second Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 990 2996 1010 Passcode: 606293
Be sure to always check the calendar for any changes in the meeting schedule day, time, and location.
Each year the All Chicago Open meeting is held to celebrate the 1st meeting in Chicago. Check out the webpage by clicking here