Finance Committee
The purpose of this standing committee is to be responsible for all matters relating to office management, records, personnel, finances and expenditures of Area 19. This committee may delegate that portion of this authority to the manager of the Chicago Area Service Office as it sees fit, subject to the approval of the Chicago Area Service Assembly.
The committee makes recommendations to the Chicago Area Service Assembly on all matters pertaining to the finances and expenditures of Area 19 service committees and to the administration and operation of the Chicago Area Service Office. Each September the Committee presents a budget for the following year to the Assembly, which must be approved before taking effect on January 1. The Finance Committee shall employ a firm of certified public accountants to make periodic audits and prepare tax returns.
The membership of this committee is composed of one delegate from each of the districts of Area 19, who shall serve for a period of three years, and it is suggested they not succeed themselves. Election of district delegates shall be staggered in a manner determined by the Finance Committee in consultation with the districts so that one-third of the delegates rotates off of the committee each year.
The committee is responsible for the selection and supervision of the manager of the Chicago Area Service Office.
The Finance Committee meets on the second Thursday of every ODD month at 7 pm. The meeting is hybrid.
Physical location is the Chicago Area Service Office, 180 N. Wabash Ave. Ste. 305, Chicago, IL 60601
Zoom ID 146 135 088