Off Hours Phone Committee

Off Hours Phone Committee

The purpose of this special committee is to maintain a 24-hour answering service using volunteer members of AA from the Chicago area. The committee recruits, trains, and schedule AA volunteers to answer calls received by the Chicago Area Service Office when it is closed. The calls are routed to the volunteer’s personal phones.

Membership on this committee is open to any interested AA member who meets the committee’s sobriety requirements.

Interested? Then come check us out!

The Off Hours Phone Committee meets on the first Tuesday of every month via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 868 7486 4842  Passcode: 869840

Be sure to always check the calendar for any changes in the meeting schedule day, time, and location.

Contact Off Hour Phone Answering.

    Off-Hour Phone Answering Committee Contact Form

    Why are you contacting us?

    Your message will be routed to the appropriate volunteer committee member. Please be patient and allow a few days for a response.