Technology Committee
This special committee responds to inquires at, reports on website activity, and works closely with office staff and the technology management vendor on changes to the website and all the associated technologies needed to maintain it. However, the office staff is ultimately responsible for executing agreed-upon changes.
The committee also investigates emerging technologies and recommends technological goals to help CASO and Area committees stay up to update in communicating with and serving AA members. In all its decisions and actions, the committee strives to protect members’ anonymity at a digital level. Upon request, the committee shares collected experience with website or technology committees in other AA service Areas.
Membership on this committee is open to any interested AA member.
Interested? Then come check us out!
The Technology Committee meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 pm via Zoom. Meeting ID 656 188 1807
Be sure to always check the calendar for any changes in the meeting schedule day, time, and location.