
Help others recover by contributing to Chicago AA

In keeping with Tradition Seven, you must be an A.A. Member to make a contribution. Please acknowledge that you are an A.A. member by clicking the Yellow button below.


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Donation Total: $0.00 One Time

Why Contribute?

Tradition 7
The Seventh Tradition states: “Every A.A. group ought to be fully selfsupporting, declining outside contributions.” While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of A.A. service.

CASO 7th Tradition Pamphlets

Please share with members of your groups:

Birthday Plan PDF

Faithful Friends PDF

Ways to Give PDF

Keep AA Healthy
If each of us contributes what we can to keep AA’s service structure healthy, AA will be alive and well to help the next suffering alcoholic.

Love and Service
By contributing to our area, district, and central office, we get to be of service supporting those who serve all of us in those offices.