First Day of Black History Month
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Looking to be of service? Then join the 24 Hour Phone Committee for a Off-Hours Phone Training. When: Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 5:00 pm Where: This is 100% virtual via Zoom. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link.
The purpose of this standing committee is to cooperate with hospitals and treatment/rehabilitation facilities in the Chicago area regarding AA’s relationship with such facilities. The committee helps coordinate AA meetings in such facilities. This Committee is currently meeting virtually 1st Monday 7pm CT on Zoom. Click...
The purpose of this special committee is to recruit, train, and schedule AA volunteers to answer calls & chats received by the Chicago Area Service Office when it is closed. All members are welcome to attend. This Committee meets 1st Tuesday 5pm CT virtually on...
Please join the Literature Committee from 7 pm to 8 pm the first Wednesday of every month. The purpose of this standing committee is to encourage AA groups to provide AA literature. It ensures that AA literature is available at area events and conferences. It....
Area 19 Structure Committee will have a meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:00 pm This is a Zoom only event Zoom Meeting ID: 879 3014 1403 Passcode: Area19 or click HERE. To join by phone dial (312)626-6799 then type in meeting ID and...
The purpose of this special committee is to create website policy and set technological goals for Area 19. The main role of the committee is to oversee management of the website and all the associated technologies needed to maintain it. The committee also investigates...
The purpose of the Cooperation with Professional Committee is to provide information about AA on request to those non-alcoholics who have contact with alcoholics through their profession. The purpose of the Public Information Committee is to inform the public through the use of the media...
The purpose of this committee is to acquaint all AA members with the Grapevine and La Vina publications. The committee presents the Grapevine and La Vina as useful tools in maintaining individual and group sobriety through its many attractions. This meeting meets Hybrid... Both in...
The purpose of this committee is to acquaint all AA members with the Grapevine and La Vina publications. The committee presents the Grapevine and La Vina as useful tools in maintaining individual and group sobriety through its many attractions. This meeting meets Hybrid... Both in...
The purpose of this committee is to acquaint all AA members with the Grapevine and La Vina publications. The committee presents the Grapevine and La Vina as useful tools in maintaining individual and group sobriety through its many attractions. This meeting meets Hybrid... Both in...
The purpose of this committee is to ensure proper participation of Area 19 in state and area conferences, forums, workshops, and events, including cooperation with other state and delegate areas. The Committee on Conferences (COC) also assists with the All Chicago Open meeting. This Committee...
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Observance To hide observances, go to Google Calendar Settings > Holidays in United States
The purpose of the editorial board is to oversee the publication of Here’s How, the area newsletter All Members are welcome to serve. This Committee is meeting virtually on Zoom, 3rd Monday 6pm CT. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 729 716 7168 Passcode: 341287...
Districts that meet the third Tuesday of every month- 1, 2, 3, 7, 9/17, 12, 13, 14, 18/19 Districts 5/20, 6/21 and 16 meet the third Tuesday of odd months - January, March, May, July, September, November The GSR is the link between the individual...
District 4 meets the third Wednesday of every month at 6:00 pm. The GSR is the link between the individual AA group and AA as a whole. The GSR is the voice of the group’s conscience, reporting the Group’s views to the District Service Committee....
The purpose of this special committee is to gather and preserve historical data and other memorabilia pertinent to Alcoholics Anonymous in the Chicago area, including, but not limited to, oral and written histories, correspondence, newspaper articles, and literature. This Committee is meeting virtually on Zoom....
The purpose of this special committee is to gather and preserve historical data and other memorabilia pertinent to Alcoholics Anonymous in the Chicago area, including, but not limited to, oral and written histories, correspondence, newspaper articles, and literature. This Committee is meeting virtually on Zoom....
District 11 meets the second Thursday of every month at 8:00 pm District 22 meets the third Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm The GSR is the link between the individual AA group and AA as a whole. The GSR is the voice of...
The purpose of this committee is to provide information about AA to alcoholics who have physical disabilities or other special needs. The committee also helps coordinate AA meetings for people with special needs and to assist groups in making sure they are accessible to everyone....
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Observance To hide observances, go to Google Calendar Settings > Holidays in United States