Holy Family Sunday Morning “Attitude of Gratitude”

Holy Family Sunday Morning “Attitude of Gratitude”

Official Substitute?: Yes
Schedule: **UPDATED INFORMATION (as of 4/4/20)**
Meeting will be held on Zoom until further notice. This is a speaker meeting with 2 speakers. It will begin as close to 9am as possible. If you need any help, please feel free to reach out to the meeting coordinator on Zoom.

**The meeting will now require a password, please see below for meeting password**
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4038483591?pwd=d1AwbGV3cDRlR2tGZ3Bla3VCaHQ3dz09
Notes: Meeting ID: 403-848-3591
Password: 112233

(Password is subject to change)

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