06 Apr New Beginnings
Official Substitute?: Yes
Schedule: Sunday 9:30 AM, 4 PM (closed); 1:30 PM Sex & Relationships (open); 6 PM Women (closed)
Monday 10 AM 4th Step Workshop
Monday thru Thursday 8 AM 24 Hours A Day (closed)
Monday thru Friday 12 noon, 4 PM, 6 PM Various Formats (closed)
Friday 9 AM Big Book Stories (closed)
Saturday 8 AM, 12 noon, 2 PM, Various Formats (closed)
Saturday 4 PM Men (closed); 6 PM (No Profanity)
Link: https://zoom.us/j/9496683035?pwd=Q1Z2OHlVc1lwUXBPQ0tMMWF3MzI3dz09
Notes: We've listed all the meetings. We're working on it. We'll claim progress not perfection in getting these meetings online.
If you prefer to only use the telephone, call one of these numbers and when asked, put in the Meeting ID followed by the Password as prompted:
1-312-626-6799 or 1-346-248-7799
Meeting ID: 949 668 3035
Password: 612142
If you want to use the Zoom App, you can download it from www.zoom.us on your computer or from the App Store on your phone or tablet. To join the meeting, select “Join” and put in the Meeting ID above.
You may use any name you wish to maintain your anonymity.
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