
Days/Times:Saturdays at 10 Address:1121 N Leavitt Street, Chicago 60618 Suspended Until: 4/4/2020 More Info: For at least the next two weeks Men's Fireside is Men's Cyberside. To join the meeting, click the link below. You may get a pop up asking to allow "" to open. Please accept....

Day of the Week: all Time: Location: Irving Park Luth Ch Address: 3938 W Belle Plaine, Chicago, IL 60618 Duration of Closure: thru 3/23/20 pending...

Day of the Week: Time: Location: St Hyacinth Rect Address: 3636 W Wolfram, rear bsmt, Chicago, IL 60618 Duration of Closure: TBD...

Day of the Week: Saturday Time: 10:00am Location: New Life Community Church Address: 2958 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60618 Duration of Closure: TBD...